Page 20 - 2021 Scheme of Delegation Maximum
P. 20

DCAT Scheme of Delegation/decision making matrix Date of issue: September 2021
Type: Maximum/all academies with a green point in time risk rating (POINTER*) *Appendix 1
    To receive a report on the annual H&S audits and summary of actions and learning
To monitor all aspects of Health and Safety through Governance Reports
To adopt a Lettings Policy based on the local context/needs
To draw up, agree and monitor an accessibility plan for each Academy in consultation with the Headteacher
To review the annual H&S audit and progress against any actions arising from it
  policy for the Trustees' approval
To monitor and support the implementation of the Trust-wide health and safety policy
To liaise with the LGB and Headteacher in relation to the accessibility plan for the Academy
To close the school or part thereof in exceptional circumstances in relation to Health and Safety concerns
To oversee the completion of all H&S annual audits and monitor the completion of arising actions
 and appropriate actions taken
To review security of premises and equipment
To implement the Trust- wide lettings policy
To liaise with the Executive in relation to the accessibility plan for the Academy
To inform the CEO/Executive of any serious H&S breaches (e.g. reaching the RIDDOR threshold)
To liaise in advance with the CEO/DCEO when considering the closure of the school or part thereof. Note, this does not apply to a lockdown or emergency
To complete and act upon the annual H&S audit
To prepare an academy specific lettings policy
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