Page 5 - 2021 Scheme of Delegation Maximum
P. 5

DCAT Scheme of Delegation/decision making matrix Date of issue: September 2021
Type: Maximum/all academies with a green point in time risk rating (POINTER*) *Appendix 1
  Area of Operation: Finance
 LGB members
   Executive/Centre Team
To appoint external auditors and receive annual report
To approve any service contracts for Trustees
  To appoint internal auditors
To sign off annual accounts and report
To scrutinise the budgets for its Academies and Executive Team
To approve the financial scheme of delegation
To appoint a finance committee
To approve the annual budget for the Academy Trust
To approve any changes to the approved budget of individual schools or the central team in
To monitor the income, expenditure and cash flow of an Academy
Ensure the school staff fully comply with the Academy Trust processes
To ensure proper financial controls are in place at the Academy
To maintain and publish a register of business interests relating to the individual school
To ensure provision of free school meals to those pupils meeting the criteria
To establish a charging and remissions policy and to keep this under review
To support the Trust Board in its monitoring and
  To prepare the annual budget for the Academy Trust
To monitor the income, expenditure, cash flow and balance sheet of the Academy Trust
To manage the annual budget for each Academy on behalf of the Trust Board
Ensuring adequate risk, financial and asset management systems are in place across DCAT
To prepare monthly monitoring reports for the Trustees on Cash Flow and budget monitoring
To be responsible for ensuring the preparation of the annual budget for the Academy with central team oversight
To monitor the income, expenditure and cash flow of an Academy
To ensure proper financial controls are in place at the Academy and to immediately inform the CEO of any breach of controls
To ensure provision of free school meals to those pupils meeting the criteria
To set up and approve staff expenses at the Academy
To agree contracts with a value below £15,000 and
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