Page 3 - 2021 Scheme of Delegation Minimum v6
P. 3

DCAT Scheme of Delegation/decision making matrix Date of issue: September 2021
Type: Minimum/academies with a below green or light green point in time risk rating (POINTER*)
    appointments and renewals
To appoint (and remove) the Vice Chairs of the Local Governing Bodies
protection, pupil premium and financial matters
To ensure the Academy has policies that are fit for purpose, checking that they are being followed when a Trust wide policy and formally reviewed (and checking that they are being followed) when an Academy specific policy
To manage the election process for any parent or staff local governor vacancies
To implement a means whereby the Academy can receive and react to parental and pupil feedback
To establish and maintain a relationship with members of the local and Church community
To ensure, involving the school community, that a robust and continuous self- evaluation process is place
  To ensure that LGB’s/Transition Board operate within the policy requirements of the Trust
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