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Multi Academy Trust Model for Church of England Schools
within the further education sector, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities operating in furtherance of the Object and to exchange information and advice with them;
g) to pay out of funds of the Company the costs, charges and expenses of and incidental to the formation and registration of the Company;
h) to establish, maintain, carry on, manage and develop the Academies at locations to be determined by the Directors;
i) toofferscholarships,exhibitions,prizesandawardstopupilsandformerpupils,and otherwise to encourage and assist pupils and former pupils;
j) to provide educational facilities and services to students of all ages and the wider community for the public benefit;
k) to carry out research into the development and application of new techniques in education and to their approach to curriculum development and delivery and to publish the results of such research, and to develop means of benefiting from application of the experience of industry, commerce, other schools and the voluntary sector to the education of pupils in academies;
l) subject to such consents as may be required from the Trustees or otherwise required by law and/or by any contract entered into by or on behalf of the Company, to borrow and raise money for the furtherance of the Object in such manner and on such security as the Company may think fit;
m)to deposit or invest any funds of the Company not immediately required for the furtherance of its object (but to invest only after obtaining such advice from a financial expert as the Directors consider necessary and having regard to the suitability of investments and the need for diversification);
n) to delegate the management of investments to a financial expert, but only on terms that:
(i) the investment policy is set down in writing for the financial expert by the Directors;
(ii) every transaction is reported promptly to the Directors;
(iii) the performance of the investments is reviewed regularly with the
(iv) the Directors are entitled to cancel the delegation arrangement at any time;
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