Page 6 - 2018-19_Annual_Report_and_Financial_Statements
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The trustees present their annual report together with the accounts and auditor's report of the charitable company for the year 1 September 2018 to 31 August 2019. The annual report serves the purposes of both a trustees' report, and a directors' report under company law.
The trustees confirm that the annual report and financial statements of the Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust (the "Trust") comply with the current statutory requirements, the requirements of the Trust's governing documents, and the provisions of the Statement of Recommended Practice (SoRP) "Accounting and Reporting by Charities" issued in 2015.
The Trust's academies cover West and East Sussex, and have a combined pupil capacity [PAN] of 3320 and had a roll of 3193 in the Spring 2019 school census.
Structure, governance and management
The Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity. The charitable company's memorandum and articles of association are the primary governing documents of the Trust. The Trust is constituted under a Memorandum of Association dated 3 September 2014, which is when it was incorporated.
The Trust is comprised of the following academies:
All Saints CofE Junior School
St Leonards CofE Primary Academy
St Paul's CofEAcademy
St Catherine's College
Central CofE Academy
Christ Church CofE Primary and Nursery Academy The March CofE Primary School
Conversion date
1 February 2015 1 April 2015
1 August 2016
1 August 2016
1 November 2016 1 May 2017
1 December 2018
The trustees of Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust are also the directors of the charitable company for the purposes of company law. Details of the trustees who served during the year, and to the date these accounts are approved, are included in the Reference and Administrative Details on page 1.
Members' liability
Each member of the charitable company undertakes to contribute to the assets of the charitable company in the event of it being wound up while they are a member, or within one year after they cease to be a member, such amount as may be required, not exceeding £10, for the debts and liabilities contracted before they ceased to be a member.
Trustees' indemnities
The Trust has purchased cover through the Department for Education Risk Protection Arrangement which includes Trustees' Liability and Employee and Third Party Dishonesty. The cost of these items is not separately identifiable. Every trustee is indemnified out of the assets of the company against any liability incurred in the capacity of trustee.