Page 7 - 2018-19_Annual_Report_and_Financial_Statements
P. 7
Method of recruitment and appointment or election of trustees
The Members of Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust (DCAT) approve the appointment of trustees to the Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust (DCAT). The Members shall appoint no fewer than 5 Foundation Directors at least one of whom shall be a member of the local clergy. The Members shall ensure at all times that the number of Foundation Directors exceeds the number of other Directors (including any Co-opted Directors). For further detail on appointment of trustees, see Articles 50A- 52 of the Trust's articles of association.
Trustees are appointed taking account of the skills and expertise required to provide strategic direction for the Trust and to ensure that the Trust satisfies the statutory obligations as set out in the Academies Financial Handbook, which is published by the Education Skills and Funding Agency. Stated within the articles of association, the number of trustees shall not be less than three and shall not be subject to any maximum.
Policies and procedures adopted for the induction and training of trustees
All trustees are provided with statutory information, policies and procedures, agendas and minutes, and financial reports to enable them to undertake their role as a trustee and have been involved in all aspects of the Board's activity as it develops. The Trust has provided access to on-line resources with associated training for trustees and governors of local governing bodies. The Trust's Governance Manager provides in-house training as identified.
Organisational structure
The organisational structure of the Trust consists of the:
• Members (currently five members)
• Board of Trustees (currently eight trustees)
• Local Governing Body or Core Executive for each academy
• Audit and Resources Sub-Committee
• Standards Sub-Committee
The Trust met six times in the year as a full board to consider a wide range of issues concerned with the strategic direction and operations of the multi-academy trust (MAT).
The Trust reviewed its model scheme of delegation in January 2018 and agreed delegation for each of its academies that explain the ways in which the directors will fulfil their responsibilities for the leadership and management of the academy, the respective roles and responsibilities of the directors, and the members of the local governing body and the commitments to each other to ensure the success of the academy. The scheme of delegation will be reviewed for January 2020.
The local governing bodies or equivalents and academies operate within the limits stipulated in the schemes of delegation, which require budgets, pay review decisions, and leadership post appointments to be approved by the trustees.
Local governing bodies meet at least six times each year.