Page 11 - 2021 Scheme of Delegation Maximum
P. 11

DCAT Scheme of Delegation/decision making matrix Date of issue: September 2021
Type: Maximum/all academies with a green point in time risk rating (POINTER*) *Appendix 1
    To adopt a Trust-wide statement regarding school trips
Review of DCAT Key Strategic Aims for identification of any areas of concern relating to Safeguarding
To appoint a designated Trustee for safeguarding and to monitor the Executive/Centre Team section of the single centre record
To receive a report on the annual safeguarding audits and summary of actions and learning
and its regular up-dating at least six times a year
To approve off site visits of pupils for longer than 24 hours, have a heightened risk factor or are abroad
To review the annual safeguarding audit and progress against any actions arising from it
  role is compliant with statutory guidance
To make arrangements for safeguarding audits to be conducted by independent personnel where appropriate
To report to the Trustees on the procedures in place for safeguarding and on matters as they arise
To oversee all single central records checking compliance
To oversee the completion of all safeguarding annual audits and monitor the completion of arising actions
 compliant with statutory guidance
To follow the Trust Non- Negotiables relating to safeguarding (updated annually)
To maintain an up to date and accurate single central record for the school
To approve off-site visits for pupils of less than 24 hours
To immediately alert the SEL/Trust of any allegations against staff and any serious safeguarding matters relating to children
To comply with safer recruitment and record keeping requirements as set out in policy
To complete and act upon the annual safeguarding audit
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