Page 2 - 2021 Scheme of Delegation Maximum
P. 2

DCAT Scheme of Delegation/decision making matrix Date of issue: September 2021
Type: Maximum/all academies with a green point in time risk rating (POINTER*) *Appendix 1
  Area of Operation: Governance
 LGB members
   Executive/Centre Team
To review and amend the Articles of Association
To determine the educational character, mission and ethos of the Trust
To change the name of the Academy Trust
To receive an annual report from the Auditors on the Academy Trust's performance
To appoint and remove Trustees in line with the Articles of Association
  To review and amend the Scheme of Delegation
To review and amend the Constitution and Terms of Reference of Local Governing Bodies
To determine the Board's Reserved Matters
To appoint a Company Secretary
To appoint a Clerk to the Trustees
To review and amend the policies of the Academy Trust
To appoint (and remove) the Chairs of the Local Governing
To champion the vision and values of DCAT within the individual academy and to ensure the spiritual wellbeing of the pupils.
To determine the educational and spiritual character, mission or ethos of a particular Academy (to the extent that it is consistent with that of the Trust) and in collaboration with the Headteacher.
To ensure that the school has a medium to long-term vision for its future and that there is a robust strategy in place for achieving its vision.
To appoint (and remove) the Vice Chairs of the Local Governing Bodies
  To attend meetings of the Trustees and to provide a CEO's report
To secure professional advice on behalf of the Trustees as may be requested
To maintain a clear list of policies that are Trust wide (provided by DCAT) and those which are Academy specific (produced by the school)
To support the Trustees and the Academies in the preparation of Trust- wide policies
To support the appointment process for the Clerk
To implement the educational character, mission or ethos of a particular Academy (to the extent that it is consistent with that of the Trust) as determined by the LGB
To implement the education vision, values and associated culture of the academy aligned to the DCAT vision
To attend meetings of the LGB and to provide a Headteacher's report
To tailor Trust-determined policies to the Academy
To have in place non- Trust determined policies, tailored to the Academy
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