Page 8 - 2021 Scheme of Delegation Minimum v6
P. 8

DCAT Scheme of Delegation/decision making matrix Date of issue: September 2021
Type: Minimum/academies with a below green or light green point in time risk rating (POINTER*)
   To receive a termly report from the Executive regarding standards
To review the Key Strategic Aims of DCAT for identification of any areas of concern
  Executive relating to standards
To prepare a draft Academy Development Plan for approval by the LGB/Transition Board and Executive Team
Immediately alert the relevant authorities and the SEL/DCEO of any examination irregularities
  Area of Operation: SEND
 LGB members/Transition Board
   Executive/Centre Team
  To determine a Trust- wide SEND and Disability Discrimination Act statement.
To review Key Strategic Aims document for identification of any areas of concern relating to SEND
To review and maintain the Academy's SEND policy
To provide oversight of the implementation of the policy within the Academy and compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act requirements
To appoint a designated governor for SEND
  To provide oversight of the implementation of the Trust-wide SEND statement
Ensures compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act requirements within the Academies
To monitor SEND pupil performance against
To designate a teacher to be responsible for co- ordinating SEND provision
To liaise with the local authority in respect of students who have (or might have) SEND.
To make provision for SEND pupils with or
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