Page 9 - 2018-19_Annual_Report_and_Financial_Statements
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Related parties and other connected charities and organisations
The Diocese of Chichester Education Trust (DoCET) is the umbrella organisation under which the Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust (DCAT) operates. As the academies are Church of England schools, designated as such, the trustees are also accountable through DoCET to the Chichester Diocesan Board of Education ("the DBE") and the Bishop of Chichester ("the Bishop") to ensure that the academies are conducted as Church of England schools.
The members of DCAT agree the appointment of trustees to the board of the Trust. DCAT has five members, including the current chairman of the Trust board, to ensure good communication between the two boards. The chairman of the DBF is currently a trustee of DoCET and a member of DCAT.
There is a relationship with the DBF which has historically provided a financial contribution to the Trust. No financial contribution has been provided during the 2018-19 year.
DCAT is a sponsor organisation, as approved by the Department for Education. Three of the academies in the Trust have been sponsored by the trust to convert to academies to address the issues of underperformance inherent prior to conversion.
Objectives and activities
Objects and aims
The Trust's objects are fundamentally defined in the articles of association, and the Trust aims to be a Trust in which:
• Developing the whole child means pupils achieve and maximise their potential;
• Continued development of staff is valued and improves education for young people;
• All schools are improving and perform above national expectations;
• The distinct Christian identity of each academy develops and is celebrated.
Objectives, strategies and activities
The objectives during the fifth year of operation have been to continue to develop the Trust as a fully functioning multi academy trust and limited company in line with statutory requirements and Department for Education best practice, to support the conversion and establishment of additional schools as academies, and to pursue opportunities for further conversions. The Trust is closely working with a number of schools wishing to convert to academy status within the Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust with a small number set to join during the 2019-20 academic year.
The Trust has developed its operation of the business at the centre by:
• Development of a detailed growth strategy and business plan in response to national government policy changes;
• Supplementing and widening the skills and capacity at the centre with the appointment of key staff into new roles, including Governance and Compliance;
• Enhancing appropriate policies and operational systems both at the centre and in the new academies;
• Continuing to establish and improve processes to support and develop headteachers and business
managers to enable the schools to become successful academies.

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