Page 13 - 2021 Scheme of Delegation Minimum v6
P. 13

DCAT Scheme of Delegation/decision making matrix Date of issue: September 2021
Type: Minimum/academies with a below green or light green point in time risk rating (POINTER*)
    undertaking consultation, publishing admissions criteria and determining arrangements as required in accordance with the School Admissions and Appeals Codes
To make arrangements for determining admissions and hearing admission appeals
To ensure effective arrangements are in place for pupil recruitment
To ensure effective arrangements are in place for pupil recruitment
To monitor the recruitment and retention rates
To contributes to the development of the Academy prospectus
  To provides the lead in admissions consultations
To propose the PAN number for individual schools
To monitor, track and discuss (SEL) changes to pupil numbers
 To make arrangements for determining admissions and hearing admission appeals
To participates in local admissions forum
To ensure participation in the fair access protocol
To positively market the school paying close attention to changes to pupil numbers
To maintain a high-quality website which is complaint at all times
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