Page 15 - 2021 Scheme of Delegation Minimum v6
P. 15

DCAT Scheme of Delegation/decision making matrix Date of issue: September 2021
Type: Minimum/academies with a below green or light green point in time risk rating (POINTER*)
     any accompanying action with the Executive and LGB/Transition Board members
  Area of Operation: Information Management
 LGB members/Transition Board
   Executive/Centre Team
  To adopt data protection policies and procedures to cover:
 the requirement to notify
individuals as to how information is to be used and
 on the matter of safe storage.
To ensure the effective implementation of the data protection policies and procedures in the Academy
To ensure systems are in place in line with the Trust's strategy at the Academy for effective communication with pupil, parents or carers, staff and the wider community
  To ensure compliance with all data protection legislation and good practice across the Academies
To support the individual academies on the effective safe storage of data
To maintain accurate and secure staff records for the Executive
To lead on Freedom of Information requests
To ensure the publication of Academy information, ensuring that all electronic communication, including web pages, are up to date
To maintain accurate and secure pupil records
To maintain accurate and secure staff records for the Academy
To ensure compliance with all data protection legislation and good practice in the Academy
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