Welcome to DCAT

Helping every child achieve their God-given potential

A warm welcome to the Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust (DCAT). We exist to provide a first-class option for schools choosing to become an academy and aim to add value in everything we do. We currently have twenty seven schools making up our Trust, each maintaining its own unique character and identity, serving their own distinct community…

Mark Talbot
Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust CEO

Vision for 2025

We are excited to share with you our Vision for 2025; please click here to find out more.

Our Schools


Our Performance

Centre Team (FTE)


  • Average
  • Above Average
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Maths

DCAT’s KS2 progress scores are above average in all areas. They put DCAT in the top 20% of all Trusts nationally and 2nd out of all Church of England Trusts.

Reading Writing and Maths at expected standard
National Average = 65%

Reading Writing and Maths at higher standard
National Average = 10.5%

Staff and leaders across the Trust are wholly committed to enable ‘all children to reach their God given potential

MAT Peer Review, Nov 2023

The carefully conceived vision is a strength of the Trust. It is understood by all and shapes all aspects of provision

MAT Peer Review, Nov 2023

From January 2020, the school is now part of a different Multi Academy Trust, DCAT, a Church Trust that has a strong proven track record of improving education for children. We are confident that the historic under performance is a thing of the past and we look forward to working with our new family of schools to improve the quality of education for the children in our care.

St Columba – Headteacher comment to the local newspaper

We converted on February 1st 2020 (only 7 weeks before lockdown in the UK). Prior to conversion and during the first 7 weeks, I met key personnel from DCAT. Each meeting was purposeful in helping me to understand the person’s role, share information and begin to form a relationship, so that at a later date I knew who to approach when I needed specific advice or information. I met the other Headteachers within DCAT and begin to learn about the peer review process that we would be able to participate in. I received a school visit from the Head of Improvement. DCAT documents relating to academy development plans were shared with me but there was no pressure to change documents which I already had in place to DCAT ones part way through an academic year. I felt that my workload was considered in this.

St John’s Meads – written feedback from the Headteacher to a governing body considering joining DCAT

In addition to learning about The March and ‘academisation’ more generally, I was struck most forcibly by what they both (Headteacher and Chair of Governors) had to say from their respective positions about their own school’s the Trust’s schools relationship with DCAT. They are unstinting in their praise of the tremendous support DCAT provides – responsive, positively challenging, professional and enriching – far-outstripping what the LEA previously did. They attribute this in no small part to the outstanding leadership you provide and to the excellent engagement they have with other Executive Leaders – both were most particular about this, what they said was not mere blandishment.

The March – extracts from Headteacher feedback given to a new Trustees joining the Trust Board

I know I said it yesterday, but I wanted to put it down on an email, a HUGE thank you for all of your guidance, help and support. I appreciate as an academy trust, this all forms part of your responsibility, but I can honestly say, I feel like you go above and beyond to support us all, which has resulted in our pupils getting one of the best starts possible in their educational journey, which will lay the foundation for all the trials they will face in later life.

Christ Church – email sent from Chair of Governors following Ofsted

We both feel very supported by DCAT – who were on hand throughout the two days to support us all. We have just heard from Chair of the Board who sent us his best wishes and congratulations – it was lovely to hear from him.

Christ Church – an extract from an email from the Co-Headteachers sent to the Trust following Ofsted

The multi-academy trust (MAT) has a firm hand on the school. Senior leaders in the MAT closely monitor the school to ensure that pupils are safe and making progress.

Ofsted, 2019

The work of the MAT has been key in supporting leaders to improve outcomes for pupils

Ofsted, 2018

The school benefits from DCAT support for financial and personnel matters, freeing leaders to focus on the quality of education provided

Ofsted, 2018