All Saints CE Junior Academy

Joined February 2015

At All Saints we strive to provide a vibrant and exciting curriculum of the highest quality, founded on Christian principles; teaching academic skills through a broad range of subjects and celebrating all talents. We are a warm, friendly school, where children feel safe and secure in a learning environment which stimulates and motivates them.

To view our admissions arrangements, please click here

All Saints C.E. Junior Academy
Githa Road
East Sussex
TN35 5JU

Telephone: (01424) 421397

All Saints CE Junior Academy Performance - Joined February 2015

Reading Writing and Maths at expected standard. National Average = 65%


All Saints are above average in all areas.

These scores show how much progress pupils at this school made in reading, writing and maths between the end of key stage 1 and the end of key stage 2, compared to pupils across England who got similar results at the end of key stage 1.

Playtimes are sociable and harmonious occasions, with pupils from all year groups playing well together. Bullying is rare and, if it does occur, pupils are confident that it will be dealt with swiftly and effectively.

Ofsted, 12th January 2023

Pupils are excited to learn. They demonstrate positive behaviours in lessons because of high expectations and well-established routines. Staff help pupils to become confident young people. Pupils enjoy many experiences that aid their understanding of the world.

Ofsted, 12th January 2023