Our Values and Ethos
Our Chantry Vision
At Chantry, we are committed to developing a school community where children feel safe, valued and supported.
Through great teaching, we will provide a variety of exciting learning experiences both within and beyond our school that help children achieve highly and develop a life-long love of learning.
Our aim is to give every Chantry child the opportunities they deserve, no matter what their starting point or need. We want to grow confident, caring individuals who think creatively and are not afraid to celebrate their own unique qualities.
Together, we will provide children with the knowledge and skills they need, to ensure they grow into pro active members of our community, ambitious for their own futures and able to shape the world around them.
Our Chantry Values underpin everything we do. We refer to them in our classrooms, collective worship and when we talk to children about behaviour. Children who demonstrate our values well during the week receive a certificate in our Friday Celebration Assembly.
To view our admissions arrangements, please click here
Chantry Community Primary School
Barrack Rd
TN40 2AT
Email: school@chantry.e-sussex.sch.uk
Telephone: (01424) 211696
Website: www.chantry.e-sussex.sch.uk