The March CE Primary School

Joined December 2018

We are proud to be a Christian School community and try to reflect Christian values in the way we teach, learn and interact with others. Our aim is that all of our pupils feel happy, secure and valued, enabling them to become confident successful learners with the motivation, skills and responsibility to make a positive difference in God’s world. 

To view our admissions arrangements, please click here

The March CE Primary
Claypit Lane
West Sussex
PO18 0NU

Telephone: (01243) 783987

The March CE Primary School Performance - Joined December 2018

Reading Writing and Maths at expected standard. National Average = 65%


The March has very strong attainment and progress in line with or above national averages.

These scores show how much progress pupils at this school made in reading, writing and maths between the end of key stage 1 and the end of key stage 2, compared to pupils across England who got similar results at the end of key stage 1.

There are high expectations of pupils. Leaders are ambitious for what pupils can do and pupils achieve well. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Teachers adapt resources so that pupils with SEND can still achieve the same ambitious goals as other pupils in the class. This can happen because each pupil is known so well by the staff in the school.

Ofsted, 8th March 2023

Most pupils take part in one or more of the varied clubs on offer. Many pupils have a leadership role, and these provide them with meaningful opportunities for character development.

Ofsted, 8th March 2023