Northiam C of E Primary School

Joined January 2022

At Northiam Primary School we encourage children to immerse themselves in learning opportunities that inspire them. We firmly believe that our whole school community ‘learn, live and love in abundance, with god.’

Our vision is to help each child flourish into a caring, confident and resilient young person who has a love of learning. We will do this through our shared core values of Trust, Compassion, Humility, Courage, Thankfulness and Fellowship. We will uphold high aspirations for all our children, through our innovative and inspiring approach to teaching and learning.

Our school strives to serve our community by providing an abundance of learning and wide range of opportunities to support children to understand and develop their place within the world, their community and grow individually.
The staff and Governors are unwavering in their commitment to children’s learning within our federation. The curriculum encourages children to discover, explore and create. We understand that memorable learning is learning that lasts. We offer a wide school curriculum that ignites a love of learning which will last a lifetime.

Most importantly, we are a family – in each of our schools and together as a wider community. We will know each child well and treat them as an individual. Everyone here has a part to play and everyone here is valued.

To view our admissions arrangements, please click here

Northiam C of E Primary School
Main Street
East Sussex
TN31 6NB

Telephone: (01797) 252141

Northiam C of E Primary School Performance - Joined January 2022

Reading Writing and Maths at expected standard. National Average = 65%


Teachers know the individual needs of pupils very well. They plan interesting and challenging activities to engage pupils. Pupils are passionate about their learning.
