We celebrate the outcome of an Ofsted inspection which took place at the end of February.
St Blasius (Isle of Wight) received its first inspection with the Trust since joining our family of schools in May 2021. The school has undergone significant change with new leadership, a variety of new staff and a DCAT-led transition board. Despite challenging data going into the inspection, the school continues to be a ‘good’ school. Given this, it is a real achievement and testament to the tireless work of all involved. Our thanks and congratulations go to Alex Augustus (Executive Headteacher), the staff body, Trust leaders, Mandy Watson (Chair) and the members of the transition board. The report starts with ‘the relationships between adults and pupils are strong in this caring school’. It acknowledges the turbulent time and says, ‘senior leaders and the new trust are highly ambitious for every pupil’ and that ‘pupils behaviour in lessons is exemplary’.