St Nicolas and St Mary CE Primary School

Joined December 2024

Be Courageous! Live and Learn in Faith, Hope and Love.

As a school we aim to:

Journey together

  • Work closely with the whole community including parents, local churches, other schools and professionals.
  • Value our partners, work as a team and care for others.
  • Encourage cooperation and collaborative working in the school and beyond.

Guided by God

  • Establish high quality collective worship and Religious Education.
  • Provide excellent opportunities for the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, underpinned by Christian faith, and throughout school life.
  • Encourage and learn from good role models who show acceptance, respect and love for others.

To do the best we can

  • Enable everyone to fully develop their God given potential, within a challenging, supportive, creative and innovative learning environment.
  • Develop excellence in teaching and learning where all are highly motivated to maximise their skills.
  • Provide an enjoyable, broad and balanced curriculum where success is celebrated.

St Nicolas and St Mary Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

Eastern Avenue
West Sussex
BN43 6PE

Telephone: (01273) 454470

St Nicolas and St Mary CE Primary School Performance - Joined December 2024

Reading Writing and Maths at expected standard. National Average = 65%


Pupils have exemplary attitudes to learning. They feel very safe and enjoy school. They behave outstandingly well.
