Tollgate Community Junior School

Joined October 2023


Together Everyone Achieves More


The staff and governors at Tollgate Community Junior School are fully committed to providing the best possible educational opportunities for all our children. We value and respect each pupil’s background and experience so that we can develop the whole child.

Our central aim is to develop the child, spiritually, morally, socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically.

We do this by:

  • providing for all pupils a high standard of education through effective teaching and learning with a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum that includes all statutory requirements
  • raising levels of achievement within the school and celebrating our successes
  • providing equal opportunity for everyone regardless of race, class, gender, special educational needs, religion, culture or ability
  • providing a safe, caring, happy and stimulating atmosphere within an aesthetically pleasing environment
  • encouraging an educational partnership between children, staff, parents/carers and Governors, and by promoting links with the wider community
  • supporting the positive mental health of the whole school community by actively promoting and engaging in healthy relationships


resilience, friendship, honesty, compassion, equality and respect.

To view our admissions arrangements, please click here


Tollgate Community Junior School
Winston Crescent
East Sussex
BN23 6NL

Telephone: (01323) 723298

Tollgate Community Junior School Performance - Joined October 2023

Reading Writing and Maths at expected standard. National Average = 65%



Pupils are happy and safe in this nurturing school. The school’s values of resilience, friendship, honesty, compassion, equality and respect underpin all aspects of school life. There are strong relationships between pupils and staff. Staff know pupils and their families well. One pupil, reflecting the thoughts of others, commented, ‘I trust every adult in this school, one hundred percent.’
